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tv   KPIX 5 News Early Edition  CBS  July 18, 2013 4:30am-5:01am PDT

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killed in the 3400 block of wilson avenue at an apartment complex around 11:15 last night. two other children and grandmother were hurt. opd says shots were fired outside the apartment unit. we have a crew in oakland and we'll have the latest information as soon as it comes into the newsroom. now let's check the weather. a bit of a heat wave? >> yes, temperatures heating up today. we have fog to begin with again. can't get away from that. high pressure building in overhead. some of these temperatures moving back into the 90s today. still staying cool at the coastline but much hotter weather is on the way. we'll talk about that coming up. >> and taking a look outside, here's a live look over at the bay bridge toll plaza. so far no delay coming into san francisco. this morning, we have roadwork and it's on both decks. we'll have more coming up. >> thank you. some developing news now out of southern california where a destructive wildfire
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has forced 6,000 people to evacuate in riverside county. winds pushed the flames toward idylwild. the fire began on monday. as teresa garcia reports, it has burned more than 19,000 acres and is just 15% contained. >> reporter: the mountain fire raging southwest of palm springs is prompting new evacuations. the blaze has already burned at least 22 square miles and destroyed several homes. hundreds more were evacuated along with a camp serving children with cancer. >> my daughter got burned-out. her mobile home was on my property. burnt to the ground. >> reporter: bright flames and smoke are looming over idylwild. residents feel helpless. >> it's hard because it's so big. there's not anything that can be done. >> reporter: water-dropping helicopters are conducting an all-out assault. >> we have access burning in the north and northeast. right in the center it's made a detour around the center where
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there's an old burn from about 7 or 8 years ago where the fuels are more sparse. so we had two fronts, and that's because of this going around the old burn. >> reporter: more than 2200 firefighters are battling the blaze on the ground. >> we're trying to take out any heat in the black area, the already-burned area, so it doesn't cross our hand or dozer lines and get back into the green. >> reporter: fire officials are optimistic but for now, the fire is very active. teresa garcia, mountain center, california. >> temperatures in the area are expected to linger around the 100 mark until things start to cool off on saturday oakland police want you to look at some pictures and see if you recognize anyone people responsible for vandalism during protests this past week. even though faces can't be seen, police hope someone might recognize their clothes. in this picture, a protestor is caught spray-painting trayvon
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martin's name in the street and then there's this, a guy on a bike talking to some people in car. as that car drives away, the bicyclist kicks the fender and left a dent. here's what that suspect looks like. this picture was snapped as he rode away after kicking the car. three suspects have been charged. 30-year-old jeffrey clark out of oakland is charged with two misdemeanors. he is accused of throwing a rock at a police officer. a 34-year-old from san jose is charged with felony vandalism. he is one of two men accused of smashing windows at a men's warehouse store in oakland. and the other suspect in the window smashing is 27-year-old lamar caldwell from oakland. after all the violence, oakland leaders want to make it illegal for anyone to carry improvised weapons during protests. allen martin talked with the waiter who was attacked with a hammer during one of those violent protests. >> i didn't lose consciousness. i just kind of went down on my knees and held my face and i
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noticed right away i was bleeding like crazy. >> reporter: drew cribley was in oakland monday night the third protest regarding the george zimmerman acquittal. he is a 32-year-old waiter from florida. >> i'm sympathetic to people who believe something really strongly and feel it in their core enough to march and to, you know, really try to let their voices be heard. >> reporter: on that night he and his coworkers stood outside to form a barrier in front of the restaurant. they were concerned about troublemakers. >> we had had an incident -- a bad incident on saturday night where they broke windows. we were trying to deter people from coming back and, you know, smashing any more stuff. >> reporter: all of a sudden, an angry crowd turned up and the atmosphere turned ugly. >> that's when i heard somebody banging on our windows, turned around, kind of pushed him off and said stop. that was the degree of our interaction. he turned and just cracked me in the head with the hammer. >> reporter: cribley's face is
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still sore and bruised. a pair of glasses he wore that night probably helped to diffuse the blow. he believes the guy who hit him was not connected to the peaceful protest. and he says oakland will survive. >> i hope the world sees that along with the violence and protests going on here. >> reporter: cribley is actually a professional musician, the lead guitarist for midnight cinema. next week, the group launches its first album at a san francisco concert. he hopes he will be well enough to make it even with a black eye. >> if anything, it will add a little character to the show to have the guitar player all bruised up. >> reporter: allen martin, kpix 5. loved ones of that missing oakland toddler daphne webb are calling for her return home. they gathered for a prayer vigil on the corner of 79th and international in east oakland last night where daphne's father says a woman kidnapped her from his suv more than a
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week ago. >> we are very hopeful and prayerful and we just want her to come home. we miss her. i miss her terribly. >> everything is sad. i just want my baby home. that's it. >> police and family have questioned the father's story and would like anybody who recently saw daphne with her father to give the oakland police a call. this afternoon the verdicts in a richmond gang-rape case will be announced in contra costa county. marcelles peter and jose hon tan no were tried in the -- montano were tried in the same courtroom before different juries. the montano jury deliberated 11 hours before reaching a verdict yesterday. a separate jury for peter reached its decision on tuesday. both verdicts are scheduled to be read at 1:30 this afternoon. the men could face life in prison if convicted. protests are expected this morning ahead of the planned vote to name janet napolitano the president of the university of california. napolitano is the head of
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homeland security and former arizona governor. some complain she doesn't have an academic background and also her role in deporting illegal immigrants. uc regents vote on her nomination this afternoon in san francisco. [ chanting ] new this morning, kids and adults gather today in south africa to wish a big happy 95th birthday to ailing former president nelson mandela in. he is in the hospital where he is being treated for lung infection. he has been there for weeks. the latest word from the current president's office is that mandela's condition has improved over the last few weeks. at 95, one strong guy. >> yeah. i know it. it's good to hear that he is improving. how about our weather? >> we are going to start heating up around the bay area a little more today. the next few days we'll watch the temperatures cranking up especially away from the immediate coastline. toward the beaches really not a big change the next few days.
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you can see why. low clouds and fog moving in along the coastline inside the bay and some of the valleys now, although we're clear well inland this morning. but as we head throughout the day we'll see more sunshine and those temperatures are going to start to warm up. right now we are starting out with 50s out the door cloudy skies. this afternoon, lots of sunshine, upper 80s inland, low 90s pop, 70s and 80s inside the bay. 60s at the coastline. let's check the roads with elizabeth. thanks, lawrence. we'll start you off with the nimitz freeway. this is in oakland and north- and southbound flowing okay. it's closer to san leandro- hayward we have various lanes blocked so i'll break it down for you. this morning it's northbound 880 from "a" street to 238. and in the southbound direction you'll find more lanes blocked between industrial and whipple and all of this is sedded to wrap up in the next -- scheduled to wrap up in the next 20 minutes. heads up in the meantime. eastbound 580 they are doing
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drainage work from north greenville to north flynn until 9 a.m. so we could see some delays, but in the meantime in the commute direction, so far things look great so far out of the altamont pass. that is traffic. back to you guys. bart is bracing for commuter chaos again. but this time, bart management may have something up its sleeve. august 4 is the deadline to figure out a new contract with the union. after that, workers could go back on strike. riders won't have to completely fend for themselves. bart is thinking of using nonunion workers to keep a limited number of trains rolling if there is a strike and talk of asking retirees to return. >> we have to make sure that we're responsible to the bay area if there is another strike to do whatever we can to alleviate the inconvenience of tens of thousands of people during the bart strike. >> it will take 15 weeks to certify replacement drivers and under the current contract nonunion workers can only start
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that training when bart goes on strike. 4:39. the port of oakland is back in business after work was halted for 24 hours. things got backed up quite a bit yesterday with trucks and cranes all at a standstill and as kpix 5's joe vazquez reports, the stoppage was in response to and on the job death of a worker even though it was from natural causes. >> reporter: dozens of trucks finally got waved into the port of oakland. >> we're open. >> reporter: so they're unloading trucks and vessels right now? >> yes. >> reporter: the gates had been closed following the death of a longshoreman, 45-year-old joy daniels. >> joy was a wonderful person. she was full of laughter and her name matched what she was, joyful. >> reporter: a spokesman for the longshoreman's union local 10 says they followed tradition after any worker dies on the job, the union stops work for 24 hours in part to investigate what went wrong, in part to memorialize the worker.
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>> someone dies -- i don't trip on that. >> reporter: many of the truckers who were stuck in a line backed up for miles for a day wondered why the entire port had to be shut down. time is money for truckers and for the ships stuck in the bay. >> bad. it's hard to believe. i don't know, they shut down the whole port? kind of hard to believe they did that. >> reporter: at the port of oakland, joe vazquez, kpix 5. >> family members say joy daniels died after she had a seizure and a heart attack and then crashed into some equipment yesterday. port workers say the backlog could be cleared up by sometime later today. it is 4:41 now. california lawmakers propose a high-tech makeover for license plates. what privacy advocates don't like about the plates coming up. >> some south bay renters with picking up ear plugs. how they describe some of the rowdy good times by the google interns living next door. ,,,,
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what makes a sleep number store different? you walk into a conventional mattress store, it's really not about you. they say, "well, if you wanted a firm bed you can lie on one of those. if you want a soft bed you can lie on one of those." we provide the exact individualization that your body needs. this is your body there. you can see a little more pressure in the shoulders and in the hips. the magic of this bed is that you're sleeping on something that conforms to your individual shape. oh wow, that feels really good.
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stuck all had to be rescued at the state fair in sacramento yesterday. the monorail just lost power, stopped a couple of stories up. the firefighters used a lift to get some of the people out. everyone was okay but they were stuck up there for about an hour. >> a little scary, huh? the aclu criticizes a growing trend among law enforcement agencies. the use of license plates scanners that can track drivers' whereabouts. some readers are mounted on police cars. others are on bridges and buildings. police call it an effective crime-fighting tool but the aclu says the information is being stored with few privacy protections. a plan to make california license plates high-tech is also causing some controversy. kpix 5 reporter sharon chin looks at the pros and cons. reporter: imagine your license plate no longer metal but a computer screen a little longer than an ipad. registration would be wireless. >> there's always traffic at
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the dmv. >> reporter: a state senate proposal would create a three- year pilot program to test up to 160,000 cars with electronic license plates produced by san francisco startup smart plate. the dmv would save $20 million a year. it wouldn't have to mail renewal tags. supporters of the measure say the digital license plate would look like the current one and have the ability to display amber alerts and register fastrak tolls. but the electronic frontier foundation opposes the idea saying it doesn't protect your location and personal information. >> law enforcement needs a warrant to track you with a device on your car. it's a possibility that the way this program could be implemented, these smart plates could be that tracking device. >> reporter: a lobbyist for smart plate says the program isn't geared toward the average driver but for big companies with large vehicle fleets. but the measure doesn't specify. we found drivers on both sides. >> i kind of like the idea,
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actually. i'm a big proponent of fastrak and anything that can speed up the day. >> it's not right. >> reporter: smart plate would have produced digital plates that ran advertisements to generate state revenue about that measure died in california three years ago. in san francisco, sharon chin, kpix 5. >> the state senate has already approved the bill. it's now with the assembly appropriations committee. meanwhile the u.s. senate could vote as soon as today on a bill to keep interest rates from spiking on those certain student loans. the bipartisan compromise reached yesterday. as part of the deal all the undergraduates this fall with borrow at 3.85% interest rates but those rates would climb as the economy improves so the rates could go up to 8.25% by the year 2015. a uc-berkeley student has been confirmed as the first muslim student representative to the uc board of regents.
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sadia saifuddin's appointment has generated opposition from jewish groups. they cite her political leanings include support for a student governor bill that called on the university -- a student government bill that called on the university not to fund companies with ties to the israeli military. it's a good day for a walk. >> i think so. we are going to see temperatures starting to warm up. still fog in parts of the bay right now. some of the valleys we are seeing that early on but otherwise we are going to clear things out even some of the valleys in the interior looking clear at this hour. still as we head toward the afternoon becoming mostly sunny and the temperatures slowly warming up but hot weather ahead as we head in toward the weekend. some of these temperatures getting near triple digits in some of the valleys. right now the clouds continuing to hang out over the bay and inland and along the coastline. no drizzle though to be found this morning. the temperatures holding mainly in the 50s early on. you can see that pretty strong onshore push again but looks like that ridge of high pressure strengthening overhead a little bit so not penetrating into concord but staying clear there now. valley heat going to crank up the next few days but out at the coastline we will continue with the sea breeze carrying
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with it the fog and keep those temperatures cool there so there's going to be a huge difference in temperatures from the coastline to the valleys. should be about 102 degrees in fresno today. 99 in yosemite. looks like clouds will break up and hang out at the coastline the better part of the day to keep cool. numbers look like this. 80s in the south bay in many spots. as you head to the east bay some 80s and low 90s and then inside the bay, we are look at much cooler temperatures 60s and a few 70s. next few days though we warm things up getting hot near triple digits over the weekend. then cooling down a few more clouds coming our way toward next week. let's check the roads with elizabeth. thanks, lawrence. we'll focus this morning an 580 because they are arguing that overnight roadwork this time in the eastbound lane against the commute but they have three lanes blocked off to 9:00 this morning. so obviously that is pretty much all of the morning commute. westbound 580 looks okay right now coming out of the altamont pass but as we like to warn you at this time of the morning, it's usually one of our first spots to see some changing
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color on the sensors and coming out of tracy we could see delays any minute but for right now pretty good to go towards vasco road. getting a quick check of the south bay now and 880/237, if you are traveling through milpitas we have this live look. those headlights coming around the bend that is westbound 237. mass transit off to a great start. we checked in with bart they have more than 20 trains systemwide on time. ace train number one reporting no delay, muni, caltrain, same thing. we'll take you outside. here's a live look towards the golden gate bridge. there were some lane change trucks just driving past so pretty soon four southbound lanes will be open in the commute direction. back to you. ben bernanke says the federal reserve has no specific timeline for cutting back on its stimulus program. those comments eased concerns on wall street. the dow added nearly 19 points yesterday. the nasdaq closed 11.5 higher. intel is feeling the effects of a sales slump in the personal computer industry. the world's largest maker of chips for pcs is cutting its
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sales outlook for the year. the santa clara company admits it has not been aggressive enough in getting its chips into mobile devices. intel hopes sales of chips for servers, tablets and smartphones will outweigh the drop in pc sales. we could get our first look at google's next generation of nexus tablets next week. google is hosting an event in san francisco next wednesday. the company is expected to unveil its latest tablet. the android powered nexus tablets are a popular alternative to apple's ipad the last year. a luxury apartment complex in san jose is quiet now since dozens of google interns were put on notice. the summer interns are living temporarily at the complex. kiet do tells us when they moved in, they made a splash. >> reporter: google interns, they are young, smart, well paid and know how to have a good time. kristina and mike live at the
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crescent village apartments. their unit is right next to this pool and hot tub. and the barbecue grill area where the interns have been known to party throughout the week. does it keep you up when you're trying to sleep? >> oh, yeah. it does. but got ear plugs. [ laughter ] >> reporter: it's unclear how many are here but a facebook page called crescent village google intern had nearly 400 members. the "daily mail" got photos before the page was taken down. it shows them smiling in google t-shirts holding drinks. but after numerous complaints, a note went out to all 2,000 residents reminding them to be quiet and considerate. brian hoskins says he has seen the hot tub overflowing jammed with two dozen partiers. >> i think it's obvious when you have hundreds of people coming into a place and they know each other there's going to be socializing that goes on. it's not a surprise. >> dreams floating around out there. not too late. you have to reach out and grab them. >> reporter: google interns have been in the media spotlight with the hollywood
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film "internship." and life is good. gourmet meals, laundry service and pay up to $6,000 a month. every day google shuttles them en masse to and from the property. we saw them but none wanted to talk. >> it might be the first time they have been out of the house. so you send them out here and they have all kinds of opportunity. it's wonderful. so i don't know if they really knew any different. so, you know, this is a learning experience. >> reporter: kiet do, kpix 5. >> wow. >> i want to be an intern. >> no kidding. they're young, making money, having fun. >> 21, 22. >> not bad. >> got to love it. the pope is offering -- here's a segue -- a fast track to heaven. he is asking catholics to follow him on twitter during world youth day events in rio next week. in return, get this, get time off in purgatory get to heaven quicker and here's the catch, you have to follow the events live and must have already confessed your sins to a priest. >> it has to be the right
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intention in your heart. it can't be like i'm going to go on twitter. >> the pope has almost 3 million twitter followers maybe more after this. >> i would imagine. 4:53. a new warning for thieves. don't mess with granny. what she said to a knife- wielding robber who tried to grab cash from her store, coming up.
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looking for something to do this weekend? how about the california state fair in sacramento? be prepared. it will be sunny and hot. 102 degrees. >> and now thatter with getting closer to -- now that we're getting closer to 5:00, the overnight roadwork is clearing up. in the meantime, your bridges flowing smoothly across the bay area. we'll have more "timesaver traffic" coming up. justin timberlake got six nominations for the mtv video music awards. he is up for video of the year,
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best male video and best collaboration for his video with jay-z. two others got six nods including video of the year for their smash hit, thrift shop. your favorite song, right? >> i do like that actually. it's on my ipod. >> the mtv music awards will be held in brooklyn next month. stay with us for emmy nominations. those will be announced in the next hour. should be fun. robbers should think twice before this met with this gritty grandma. marge's phone has been ringing off the hook at a wisconsin grocery store since she told a knife-wielding robber to take a hike. >> you can have all the [ indiscernible ] you want but i am not opening that cash register. >> can you tell she is from wisconsin? maybe a little. long-time friend of the woman says she's always been strong willed meanwhile we're told police are still looking for the would-be thief. >> she's 96. >> is she really? >> yes, 96. pretty good 4:56. coming up controversial choice.
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why there's growing opposition to janet napolitano as the next uc president. >> and breaking news in oakland. an 8-year-old girl is shot and killed at an apartment complex. we'll have the details from oakland police in just a few moments. ,, medications? i don't know. last immunization shots? really? honey, what's my blood pressure medicine called? one time i took something and i blew up like a puffer fish. i'm probably allergic to that. at kaiser permanente, your medical information is available to you and your doctors.
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>> your realtime captioner: linda marie macdonald. we're live in oakland where an 8-year-old girl was shot and killed and two other children shot, as well. we'll have more on the police investigation. >> reporter: u.s. homeland security secretary janet napolitano is going to be here in san francisco today and she might be confirmed as the new uc president. a lot of protests expected. >> plenty of clouds now, lots of sunshine by the afternoon. temperatures beginning to heat up. we'll talk about that coming up. >> more than 20 bart trains are on time. still some areas of roadwork out there. where it could slow you down going to work coming up. >> good morning, it's thursday,
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july 18. i'm michelle griego. >> hi, everyone. i'm frank mallicoat. it is nearly 5:00 on the nose right now. time to check weather. and it's a great day, right? >> should be a great day ahead as we are going to see these temperatures warming up very nicely. low clouds and fog right now along the coast and inside the bay. some of the valleys but not as much today and that's a sign that highs is strengthening. so as it strengthens, our temperatures will warm up away from the coastline. cloudy skies at the bay bridge, temperatures in the 50s to start the day. so a little cooler than yesterday but by the end of the day it will be warmer. temperatures in the 90s inland, 70s and 80s inside the bay, patchy fog at the coastline and some 60s. when we'll see some temperatures near triple digits? we'll talk about that coming up. let's check the roads with elizabeth. thanks, lawrence. now that we are at 5:00 this morning, much of the roadwork is gone, lanes are re-opening as we speak. let's go toward the bay


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